On Koji Amounts

We are offering koji starter in three different sizes: for 5 kg, 50 kg and 200 kg of wet substrate. We are focusing on the amount of koji you can…

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How to make Soy Sauce

This article sets out to explain how to make your own soy sauce, also called Shoyu in Japan. First off, make sure that you have read the article which explains…

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How to dilute the spores

The spores you can buy from this shop are delivered undiluted. They are pure spores - a really minuscule amount of spores is needed to inoculate 5 kilograms of steamed…

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Which koji should I buy?

I've been asked, understandably, which koji to buy. A choice of 9 different strains may be a bit overwhelming when one is just starting out. The most important thing to…

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